These Help pages can be downloaded here with the Winning Bridge Shareware game for Microsoft Windows 95+.
If you would rather read a book, take a look at the Help Index page for some suggestions.
Acol - Responding to a Preempt
When considering your response to a preemptive open by your partner you should count tricks rather than points.
Count tricks as follows:
Any of A, K or Q in partner's suit: 1 trick each.
Any other ace: count 1 trick
Any other King: holding the ace or queen in the suit count 1 trick otherwise count as half a trick
Any queen in a suit where you also hold the ace but not the king count half a trick, if you hold the king as well count as a trick.
With support for your partners suit (minimum 3 card excluding winners in the suit): with a singleton count 1 trick; with a void count two tricks.
Only raise your partner's suit if you can offer 4 tricks when non-vulnerable or 3 tricks when vulnerable. Do not raise unless it is to game or to a slam.
Do not bid your own suit unless it is overwhelmingly good.
If your partner has bid a minor suit, consider a bid of 3NT if you have controls in the other suits and at least 2 cards in partner's suit.