Winning Bridge

Winning Bridge

These Help pages can be downloaded here with the Winning Bridge Shareware game for Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000 and XP.

If you would rather read a book, take a look at the Help Index page for some suggestions.

Finding a Slam

If the bidding or Losing Trick Count indicates that a slam is possible, it is important to identify whether the partnership is missing any aces and kings. This is usually achieved by using a slam asking convention such as Blackwood or Gerber.

With an ace missing a grand slam is unlikely and with a king missing it will be difficult

With 2 aces missing a small slam is unlikely.

It is possible to make a slam with aces and kings missing if the hands contain a lot of distribution (long and strong suits, voids, singletons). With distributional hands and a contract in a trump suit, it can be better to show controls by cue bidding.