Winning Bridge

Winning Bridge

These Help pages can be downloaded here with the Winning Bridge Shareware game for Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000 and XP.

If you would rather read a book about Bridge take a look at some of the following supplied by Amazon. I have found the books by Ron Klinger particularly useful for beginners at bridge and more advanced players.

Opening - Strong Unbalanced Hand

Bid you longest suit at the 2 level.

With suits of equal length:

5 card or longer suits bid the highest first

Do not open at the two level in a suit with a 4 card suit.

If the suit that you should bid is clubs open 1C.

If you are using the Gerber convention for asking for aces and you have a biddable club suit, bid clubs first (this is a bit of a fudge in the program but does solve a lot of real problems when using Gerber in the real world).

As an alternative you could use the Benjamin option.