Winning Bridge

Winning Bridge

These Help pages can be downloaded here with the Winning Bridge Shareware game for Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000 and XP.

Preemptive Bids

If you hold a weak hand with a long (greater than 7 card) suit you can consider a preemptive bid to disrupt the opposition bidding.

Counting Tricks

Count one trick for each card after the third in your long suit.

Count one trick for each of the A, K, Q in the trump suit.

Count one trick for each winner in outside suits.

Bid level

The level you should bid depends on how many playing tricks that you hold in your own hand. If you side is not vulnerable bid at a level to make three more tricks than you hold, if vulnerable bid a level to make two more tricks.

If you can count 8 tricks your hand is probably too strong to preempt and you should use an Acol two opening unless the opposition have bid.


The level should be at least 3.

The level should not be higher than that needed for game.