Winning Bridge

Winning Bridge

These Help pages can be downloaded here with the Winning Bridge Shareware game for Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000 and XP.

If you would rather read a book, take a look at the Help Index page for some suggestions.

Second Bid - Partner Bid a Suit Over No Trumps

1 No Trump Open:

Responder bid at the 2 level:


Responder bid at the 3 level:

With 3+ card support raise partner's suit

Bid 3 no trump

Responder bid game:


Responder bid 4 of a minor suit (but beware if you are using the Gerber slam convention):

With support and maximum points raise to game.

2 No Trump Open:

Responder bid at the 3 level:

With 3+ card support raise partner's suit

Bid 3 no trump

Responder bid game:


Responder bid 4 of a minor suit (but beware if you are using the Gerber slam convention):

With support and maximum points raise to game.