Winning Bridge

Winning Bridge

These Help pages can be downloaded here with the Winning Bridge Shareware game for Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000 and XP.

If you would rather read a book, take a look at the Help Index page for some suggestions.

Standard Responding to 2 in a Suit

Points 0 - 7

Bid 2NT.

Points 8 - 11 Balanced hand (or unbalanced with no 5 card suit and your partner has bid your short suit

Bid 3NT.

Points 8 - 11

With at least 3 cards of partners suit: bid game in the suit.

Otherwise bid your best 5 or more card suit at the lowest possible level.

Points 12 +

With at least 3 cards of partners suit: bid 3 of suit or jump bid your own 6+ card major suit.

Otherwise jump bid your best 5 or more card suit.