Winning Bridge

Winning Bridge

These Help pages can be downloaded here with the Winning Bridge Shareware game for Microsoft Windows 98+.

If you would rather read a book, take a look at the Acol Bidding page for some suggestions.

Acol Bidding - Responding to 1NT

Points 0 -  5

Pass (unless you have a very unbalanced hand and a long suit (6+ cards) then try the suit at the 2 level, but be prepared for trouble).

Balanced Hand

Points: 6 - 10 (weak no trump); 6 - 7 (strong no trump)


Points:11 - 12 (weak no trump); 8 - 9 (strong no trump)

Bid 2NT inviting your partner to bid 3 if they hold a maximum.

Points: 13 - 18 (weak no trump); 10 - 15 (strong no trump)

Bid 3NT expecting your partner to pass.

Points: 19 - 20 (weak no trump); 16 - 17 (strong no trump)

Bid 4NT inviting your partner to bid a slam with a maximum

Points: 21+ (weak no trump); 18+ (strong no trump)

Bid 6NT.

Points: 25+ (weak no trump); 22+ (strong no trump)

Bid 7NT if you hold all of the aces.

All of the above bids contain an element of risk and rely on average distribution of cards and points.  You might prefer to be more cautious with the higher levels of bidding by trying a suit bid then using a slam convention (but you risk your partner passing your bid!).

Unbalanced Hand

Points: 6 - 12 (weak no trump); 6 - 9 (strong no trump)

Bid your best (preferably 5 card or more) suit at the 2 level, expecting your partner to pass.

Points: 13 + (weak no trump); 10 + (strong no trump) and a 5+ card  suit

Bid 3 of the suit inviting game in the suit or no trump.

Points: 13 - 14 (weak no trump); 10 - 11 (strong no trump) and a 6+ card major suit

Bid 4 of the suit (game).

Points: 16 - 17 (weak no trump); 13 - 14 (strong no trump) and a 6+ card minor suit

Bid 5 of the suit (game).


An alternative to the suit bids above is to use the Stayman convention.