Winning Bridge

Winning Bridge

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  • Winning Bridge

The Winning Bridge game uses the classic Windows interface to allow you to play the bridge card game against a computer. You or the computer can bid and play in any position. Winning Bridge runs under Microsoft Windows 98, ME, 2000 and XP. If your computer runs the operating system, it will run Winning Bridge.

The latest version of the game (version 3) is easily the best ever with improved bidding and play, and even more bidding conventions. Try the new shareware version for free (see below for a download link).

Features allow you to:

  • practice remembering bids and cards played
  • go back to the start of any round of bidding or trick
  • play at your own pace
  • Easily configured for popular bidding systems (Acol or US Standard) and with many options.

A full feature list can be found on the features page.


Two versions of Winning Bridge are available at release 3.10:

  • The shareware version of the game is free. It allows you to evaluate the quality of the bidding and play, and to experiment with various bidding options but changes to options are not remembered between sessions. You are limited to a maximum of 10 hands per session. You can download the shareware version from here, its about 1.5M bytes in size and comes in an auto-setup file.
  • The registered version of Winning Bridge has additional features that allow you to go back to any round of bidding or the start of any trick (but not into the future). Any changes to bidding options, screen size or game options are remembered between sessions, and you can play for as long as you like. Go to the obtaining link for details of how to register Winning Bridge.


Several common questions are asked about Winning Bridge. These and the answers can be found on the FAQs page.


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